Dun Raven Gallery

Dun Raven Photo Gallery

Backpacking Dun Raven Trail
These are shots of an overnight backpack trip along the Dun Raven trail that Heather and I took last year. It was her first trip, so we took our time, and camped about 2 1/2 miles in along the trail. One really cool thing about Dun Raven is that at the right time of year (early to mid August) the trail is lined with raspberry bushes that are just coming ripe, and they are there for the picking. We enjoyed some nice sweet snacks on the way back to the car.

Backpacking Homestead Homestead Heather Wading Me Wading
Starting Out

Hiking by a Cabin

Me By the Cabin

Heather Wading

Me Wading

Heather on a Bridge A Colorado Beach Heather in the Tent Heather in the Morning Raspberries
Heather on a Bridge

A Colorado Beach

Heather in the Tent


Picking Raspberries

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